Egg & Black Bean Casserole

Every meal prepper needs a go-to casserole. Learning how to use casseroles in my #Sundaymealprep routine was a game changer. While many do involve in bit of prep work upfront, once everything is together they go in the oven and come out ready to go. For those trying to lose weight, casseroles are a great way to pack nutrients into a low-calorie meal that you can portion out ahead of time. This Mexican style casserole is one of my fav’s because it can be customized depending on your taste preferences and energy (calorie) needs. For example: Use 12 eggs instead of 8 eggs and egg whites

Try hot salsa if you like spice

Avocado lovers can top with avocado and cheese lovers in the family can have whatever variety they enjoy

One meal, so many options!

If you are trying to be better at planning ahead as you work towards your weight loss goals or feel overwhelmed with meal planning for your family, contact me for a FREE Strategy Session!

Egg & Black Bean Casserole


1 green bell pepper

1 large tomato, diced

1 can low sodium black beans (rinsed and drained)

8 eggs

1 cup egg whites
½ cup milk

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp paprika

Dash of salt and pepper



Your favorite cheese.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a glass 9X13 baking dish with nonstick spray and sprinkle in bell peppers, tomato, and beans. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, and milk. Mix in salsa and spices. Pour egg mixture over vegetables in dish. Bake for about 25-35 minutes or until eggs are cooked through. If using cheese, you can sprinkle it on for last 10 mins of baking or when served. If desired, top with avocado upon serving.