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So far revhealth has created 19 blog entries.

Hydration for Health: The Benefits of Water and How Much You Really Need

2025-02-10T01:37:00+00:00November 19, 2021|Health Coaching|

Water is often touted as a fundamental element for our health, constituting nearly 60% of the human body. Beyond the common knowledge, understanding why adequate water intake is crucial is key to overall well-being. Grab your favorite water bottle (paid link) and let's dive into the multitude of reasons why proper hydration is crucial for our bodies.

Demystifying Weight Loss: What Happens to Body Fat?

2025-02-10T01:49:52+00:00November 19, 2021|Health Coaching|

Have you ever wondered what truly happens to body fat when you embark on a weight loss journey? The process is both intriguing and misunderstood, often clouded by myths perpetuated by diet culture. Let's debunk the misconceptions and shed light on the science behind it.

How to Break Bad Habits and Create Healthy Ones

2025-02-10T02:01:22+00:00November 19, 2021|Health Coaching|

Making “healthy lifestyle changes” is all the rage these days. Quick-fix diets, detoxes, and exercise regimes are being shamed more than they ever have in the past. You may be wondering though, “Where do I even start to build these sustainable lifestyle changes?” The answer: learn how to hack your habits!

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